How to Become a Better Public Speaker?

According to a 2016 study, of the 41% of Americans who make New Years resolutions, by the end of the year only 9% feel they are successful in keeping them. And what, you ask, are the most common resolutions?

We can’t help you with the first two (though I really like these high protein–low sugar cricket bars). But I can give you three actionable steps to help you develop your speaking skills, in case this is one of your resolutions or professional development goals. 

1. Record Yourself

I know. You’d rather do jury duty for a month than watch a video of yourself. But if you want to know how you really come across to the world (which is different than you think), you have to get objective feedback. And that means recording yourself. On your phone, in Zoom or in-person. It’s all extremely helpful (if a bit cringy).

2. Pick a Skill

Like learning a new sport, you can only get better by focusing on one thing at a time. So choose the skill that you feel you need to improve, and focus on that. It could be saying less, talking to the camera on Zoom or slowing down your speaking pace. Whatever the skill, write it down to remind yourself, then practice doing it every time you speak. 

3. Join Toastmasters

There is no better ongoing way to build the muscle of public speaking than Toastmasters. I went to my club every Tuesday at 7:00 am for 9 years. Much of what I know about public speaking I learned from those meetings. can show you clubs anywhere in the world that will fit your needs, timing and location.

To learn how you and your team can crush your resolutions and become engaging and confident presenters, reach out for more information.

And of course, we are here to help you grow as a speaker. We offer 1-on-1 executive speaker coaching and group training, and we’re back to doing both in-person and virtual sessions.


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