How and Why to Use Video During Video Calls

There’s a lot of talk of Zoom Fatigue these days. Those long virtual meetings are exhausting, and one of the reasons is the video (camera on during Zoom). Who really wants to have their video on anyway, right?

People have good reasons for not turning them on. These include bad internet, sharing an office, caring for small children, bad health or worse yet–bad hair days! So it’s important to be understanding of people’s situations.

That said, it turns out there’s a good reason to have the camera on during Zoom. 5 of them, in fact:

1. Impact:

Research shows that people get significantly more out of meetings when they have their cameras on during Zoom.

2. Snacking:

People are better behaved with cameras on during Zoom. A recent poll showed that when cameras are off, 15% of people are doing household chores. They also admitted to snacking, pet care, and of course, using the loo.

3. Feedback:

Being able to see one another captures visual cues, micro-expressions, emotion and reactions that can be vital to a conversation.

4. Connection:

We connect and learn things about people when we can see their books, pets, kids, and gun racks in the background (which I saw on a recent Zoom training).

5. Preparation:

People prepare more when they know the video will be on, which makes for a more productive presentation or meeting. 

Camera on during zoom

The most important times to have everyone’s camera on are during first meetings, feedback, interviews, closing deals and other emotional or high stakes situations.

That said, how can we influence others to run a comb through their hair and fire up their webcam? Here are three strategies:

1. Mention it in the invite. Just a simple “If possible, let’s plan to have our cameras on at least in the beginning so we can all get the most out of this call.”

2. Turn your camera on.

3. Ask. “Shall we turn our cameras on?” 

We’ll cover this and much more in our upcoming Virtual Presentation Training


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Virtual Presentation Training to the Rescue!